![关于错失爱情的句子](/pic/关于错失爱情的句子.jpg)
1.
"Love
won't
wait
for
you,
so
don't
wait
until
it's
too
late
to
pursue
it.
"
【错失爱情】
2.
"Regret
is
a
bitter
pill
to
swallow
after
losing
the
love
you
didn't
chase.
"
【错失爱情】
3.
"Sometimes
the
biggest
regret
in
life
is
not
taking
a
chance
on
love
when
you
had
the
opportunity.
"
【错失爱情】
4.
"Love
is
a
precious
gift,
don't
let
fear
or
doubt
rob
you
of
it.
"
【错失爱情】
5.
"There's
nothing
worse
than
realizing
too
late
that
the
one
you
let
go
was
the
one
you
truly
loved.
"
【错失爱情】
6.
"Love
is
a
risk,
but
not
taking
that
risk
can
be
an
even
bigger
regret.
"
【错失爱情】
7.
"You
never
know
what
you
had
until
it's
gone,
especially
when
it
comes
to
love.
"
【错失爱情】
8.
"The
pain
of
a
broken
heart
is
nothing
compared
to
the
pain
of
knowing
you
let
the
one
you
loved
slip
away.
"
【错失爱情】
9.
"Sometimes
the
love
we
miss
the
most
is
the
love
we
didn't
fight
for.
"
【错失爱情】
10.
"Love
is
a
gamble,
but
it's
a
risk
worth
taking
when
the
reward
is
finding
your
soulmate.
"
【错失爱情】
11.
"Don't
let
your
fear
of
rejection
or
failure
keep
you
from
pursuing
the
love
of
your
life.
"
【错失爱情】
12.
"Life
is
too
short
to
live
with
regrets,
especially
the
regret
of
not
pursuing
true
love.
"
【错失爱情】
13.
"Love
is
like
a
puzzle,
don't
miss
the
chance
to
fit
the
missing
piece.
"
【错失爱情】
14.
"A
life
without
love
is
a
life
unfulfilled,
don't
let
the
fear
of
vulnerability
hold
you
back.
"
【错失爱情】
15.
"The
regret
of
not
taking
a
chance
on
love
will
haunt
you
far
longer
than
the
pain
of
rejection.
"
【错失爱情】
16.
"True
love
is
a
precious
thing,
don't
lose
it
by
playing
it
safe.
"
【错失爱情】
17.
"Love
may
require
sacrifice
and
vulnerability,
but
the
reward
is
finding
someone
who
loves
you
for
who
you
are.
"
【错失爱情】
18.
"Sometimes
the
only
thing
standing
between
us
and
true
love
is
our
own
fear
and
insecurities.
"
【错失爱情】
19.
"Don't
settle
for
being
comfortable
when
you
could
have
true
love,
it's
a
risk
worth
taking.
"
【错失爱情】
20.
"The
pain
of
regret
is
much
worse
than
the
pain
of
rejection,
so
take
a
chance
on
love
while
you
still
can.
"
【错失爱情】