1.
"To
be,
or
not
to
be:
that
is
the
question.
"
-
William
Shakespeare
【悲剧的开始就在这个问题上】
2.
"Nothing
in
life
is
to
be
feared,
it
is
only
to
be
understood.
"
-
Marie
Curie
【对于悲剧,理解比恐惧更重要】
3.
"The
only
way
to
deal
with
fear
is
to
face
it
head
on.
"
-
James
Patterson
【勇敢面对悲剧,才能克服它】
4.
"I
have
not
failed,
I've
just
found
10,000
ways
that
won't
work.
"
-
Thomas
Edison
【悲剧之后,永远不要放弃希望】
5.
"The
strongest
people
are
those
who
have
faced
adversity
and
come
out
the
other
side
even
stronger.
"
-
Unknown
【悲剧也可以成为磨炼人心的机会】
6.
"When
one
door
closes,
another
opens;
but
we
often
look
so
long
and
so
regretfully
upon
the
closed
door
that
we
do
not
see
the
one
that
has
opened
for
us.
"
-
Alexander
Graham
Bell
【悲剧过后,新的机遇可能就在前方等着你】
7.
"Life
is
like
riding
a
bicycle.
To
keep
your
balance,
you
must
keep
moving.
"
-
Albert
Einstein
【即使悲剧发生了,也不能停下脚步】
8.
"Be
strong,
be
fearless,
be
beautiful.
And
believe
that
anything
is
possible
when
you
have
the
right
people
there
to
support
you.
"
-
Misty
Copeland
【支持和鼓励是克服悲剧的关键】
9.
"The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do.
"
-
Steve
Jobs
【即使面临悲剧,也要找到热情和动力】
10.
"The
only
thing
we
have
to
fear
is
fear
itself.
"
-
Franklin
D.
Roosevelt
【对于悲剧,不要过于担忧恐惧】
11.
"It
is
not
in
the
stars
to
hold
our
destiny
but
in
ourselves.
"
-
William
Shakespeare
【悲剧并不是注定的,我们可以通过自己的选择来改变它】
12.
"The
harder
the
conflict,
the
more
glorious
the
triumph.
"
-
Thomas
Paine
【克服悲剧后的胜利,更加值得庆祝】
13.
"We
must
embrace
pain
and
burn
it
as
fuel
for
our
journey.
"
-
Kenji
Miyazawa
【悲剧中的痛苦也可以成为我们前进的驱动力】
14.
"It
does
not
matter
how
slowly
you
go
as
long
as
you
do
not
stop.
"
-
Confucius
【即使前路漫长,也不能停下脚步】
15.
"Success
is
not
final,
failure
is
not
fatal:
it
is
the
courage
to
continue
that
counts.
"
-
Winston
Churchill
【即使悲剧带来失败,也不能放弃勇气】
16.
"If
you're
going
through
hell,
keep
going.
"
-
Winston
Churchill
【克服悲剧需要持续不断的努力和坚持】
17.
"Hope
is
the
thing
with
feathers
that
perches
in
the
soul
and
sings
the
tune
without
the
words
and
never
stops
at
all.
"
-
Emily
Dickinson
【即使面临悲剧,内心的希望永远不会消失】
18.
"In
three
words
can
sum
up
everything
I've
learned
about
life:
it
goes
on.
"
-
Robert
Frost
【即使悲剧发生,生命还是要继续】
19.
"The
best
and
most
beautiful
things
in
the
world
cannot
be
seen
or
even
touched
-
they
must
be
felt
with
the
heart.
"
-
Helen
Keller
【面对悲剧,感受内心的力量和美好】
20.
"Out
of
suffering
have
emerged
the
strongest
souls;
the
most
massive
characters
are
seared
with
scars.
"
-
Khalil
Gibran
【悲剧虽然伤害我们,但它也能磨练我们,让我们变得更加坚强。
】