.jpg)
1.
"Grief
is
like
the
ocean;
it
comes
in
waves,
ebbing
and
flowing.
Sometimes
the
water
is
calm,
and
sometimes
it
is
overwhelming.
All
we
can
do
is
learn
to
swim.
"
–
Vicki
Harrison
【#grief】
2.
"Don't
cry
because
it's
over,
smile
because
it
happened.
"
–
Dr.
Seuss
【#remembrance】
3.
"The
pain
of
parting
is
nothing
to
the
joy
of
meeting
again.
"
–
Charles
Dickens
【#parting】
4.
"The
world
doesn't
stop
for
your
grief.
It
keeps
moving
on,
and
you
have
to
keep
moving
with
it.
"
–
Unknown
【#keepgoing】
5.
"Those
we
love
don't
go
away,
they
walk
beside
us
every
day.
Unseen,
unheard,
but
always
near,
still
loved,
still
missed,
and
very
dear.
"
–
Unknown
【#unseen】
6.
"The
longer
you
live,
the
more
you
realize
that
nothing
lasts
forever.
Memories
are
the
only
things
that
can
never
be
taken
away
from
you.
"
–
Unknown
【#memories】
7.
"Death
leaves
a
heartache
no
one
can
heal,
love
leaves
a
memory
no
one
can
steal.
"
–
Unknown
【#love】
8.
"The
only
way
to
deal
with
death
is
to
transform
everything
that
precedes
it
into
art.
"
–
Frida
Kahlo
【#art】
9.
"Death
is
not
the
greatest
loss
in
life.
The
greatest
loss
is
what
dies
inside
while
still
alive.
"
–
Norman
Cousins
【#loss】
10.
"We
can't
stop
the
waves,
but
we
can
learn
to
surf.
"
–
Jon
Kabat-Zinn
【#survival】
11.
"The
beauty
of
the
soul
shines
out
when
a
man
bears
with
composure
one
heavy
mischance
after
another,
not
because
he
does
not
feel
them,
but
because
he
is
a
man
of
high
and
heroic
temper.
"
–
Aristotle
【#beautyofsoul】
12.
"When
someone
you
love
becomes
a
memory,
the
memory
becomes
a
treasure.
"
–
Unknown
【#treasure】
13.
"No
one
ever
really
dies
as
long
as
they
took
the
time
to
leave
us
with
fond
memories.
"
–
Unknown
【#fondmemories】
14.
"Death
is
not
extinguishing
the
light;
it
is
only
putting
out
the
lamp
because
the
dawn
has
come.
"
–
Rabindranath
Tagore
【#dawn】
15.
"Perhaps
they
are
not
stars
in
the
sky,
but
rather
openings
where
our
loved
ones
shine
through
to
let
us
know
they
are
happy.
"
–
Eskimo
Proverb
【#stars】
16.
"The
pain
of
grief
is
just
love
with
no
place
to
go.
"
–
Jamie
Anderson
【#love】
17.
"No
one
can
replace
someone
who
is
gone,
but
someone
can
be
there
to
remind
you
that
you
are
not
alone.
"
–
Unknown
【#notalone】
18.
"The
bitterest
tears
shed
over
graves
are
for
words
left
unsaid
and
deeds
left
undone.
"
–
Harriet
Beecher
Stowe
【#bittertears】
19.
"As
long
as
remember
him,
he
lives
on.
"
–
Unknown
【#remember】
20.
"Grief
is
the
price
we
pay
for
love.
"
–
Queen
Elizabeth
【#priceoflove】