1.
"Ready
to
start
forever
with
my
soulmate.
"
【结婚了!
】
2.
"Finally
tying
the
knot
with
the
love
of
my
life.
"
【爱情的升华,我们终于走到了一起】
3.
"It's
official:
I'm
marrying
my
best
friend.
"
【在最好的时光,和最好的你一起走过未来】
4.
"From
this
day
forward,
we
will
be
husband
and
wife.
"
【执子之手,与子携老】
5.
"Our
forever
starts
today
as
we
say
'I
do'.
"
【今天,我们正式开始我们的甜蜜幸福之旅】
6.
"Lucky
in
love
and
now
lucky
to
be
married.
"
【婚姻不仅是爱的承诺,也是梦想的开始】
7.
"Two
halves
become
one
as
we
walk
down
the
aisle.
"
【宣誓支持对方,真情相伴一生】
8.
"My
heart
is
full
as
become
a
Mrs.
"
【一路走来,幸福满满,万事如意】
9.
"Forever
and
always,
choose
you.
"
【执子之手,与子携老】
10.
"I
never
knew
love
like
this
until
found
my
forever.
"
【有你相伴
今生很甜】
11.
"Today
marry
my
soulmate,
my
love,
my
everything.
"
【高峰和低谷,相伴一生】
12.
"Together
we
will
build
a
life
filled
with
love
and
happiness.
"
【在幸福的座驾上,开启一段新的人生旅程】
13.
"I
couldn't
be
more
excited
to
spend
forever
with
you.
"
【祝你们白头偕老,幸福美满!
】
14.
"Being
able
to
call
you
my
spouse
is
a
dream
come
true.
"
【岁月静好,有你相依】
15.
"Today
marks
the
beginning
of
a
lifetime
of
love
and
laughter.
"
【凯旋而归,人生巅峰】
16.
"My
heart
is
bursting
with
joy
as
become
your
wife.
"
【今天我们结婚啦,开心炸裂!
】
17.
"With
every
beat
of
my
heart,
love
you
more.
"
【陪你一生一世,直到永远】
18.
"We
may
be
tying
the
knot,
but
our
love
will
never
be
bound.
"
【一路走来,共同见证幸福时光】
19.
"From
this
day
forward,
we
are
partners
in
love
and
life.
"
【从今以后,共同走过人生的岁月】
20.
"Together
we
will
conquer
the
world,
one
happy
day
at
a
time.
"
【一生一世,浪漫缠绵】