.jpg)
1.
"The
deeper
the
pain,
the
harder
it
is
to
express.
But
sometimes
the
tears
that
fall
are
the
words
that
couldn't
be
said.
"
【#saddesquotes
#heartbreaking】
2.
"The
biggest
challenge
in
life
is
being
yourself.
.
.
in
a
world
trying
to
make
you
like
everyone
else.
"
【#betruetoyourself
#neverloseyou】
3.
"You
don't
know
pain
until
you're
staring
at
yourself
in
the
mirror
with
tears
streaming
down
your
face
and
you're
begging
yourself
to
just
hold
on
and
be
strong.
"
【#overcoming
#stayingstrong】
4.
"It's
hard
to
forget
someone
who
gave
you
so
much
to
remember.
"
【#memories
#neverforget】
5.
"You
don't
know
how
strong
you
are
until
being
strong
is
your
only
choice.
"
【#resilience
#innerstrength】
6.
"Don't
give
up
because
of
one
bad
chapter
in
your
life.
Keep
going.
Your
story
doesn't
end
there.
"
【#perseverance
#nevergiveup】
7.
"The
hardest
step
we
all
must
take
is
blindly
trusting
in
who
we
are.
"
【#findingyourself
#selflove】
8.
"It
hurts
to
let
go,
but
sometimes
it
hurts
more
to
hold
on.
"
【#lettinggo
#movingon】
9.
"You
never
know
how
strong
you
are
until
being
strong
is
the
only
choice
you
have
left.
"
【#innerstrength
#overcoming】
10.
"You
can
close
your
eyes
to
things
you
don't
want
to
see,
but
you
can't
close
your
heart
to
things
you
don't
want
to
feel.
"
【#emotionalpain
#heartache】
11.
"The
most
painful
goodbyes
are
the
ones
that
are
never
said
and
never
explained.
"
【#unsaidgoodbyes
#unresolvedfeelings】
12.
"Sometimes
what
you're
looking
for
comes
when
you're
not
looking
at
all.
"
【#unexpectedblessings
#serendipity】
13.
"The
people
who
smile
the
brightest
are
sometimes
the
ones
hurting
the
most.
"
【#hidingsadness
#maskingfeelings】
14.
"We
can't
always
control
the
cards
we
are
dealt,
but
we
can
control
how
we
play
the
hand.
"
【#takingcontrol
#beingresilient】
15.
"When
you're
tired,
learn
to
rest,
not
quit.
"
【#selfcare
#nevergiveup】
16.
"Happiness
is
not
a
destination,
it's
a
journey.
"
【#enjoyingthelittlethings
#gratefulness】
17.
"Some
people
come
into
your
life
as
blessings,
others
come
as
lessons.
"
【#lifelessons
#growth】
18.
"You
can't
start
the
next
chapter
of
your
life
if
you
keep
re-reading
the
last
one.
"
【#movingforward
#lettinggo】
19.
"It's
amazing
how
a
heart
can
be
so
broken,
yet
still
beat.
"
【#resilience
#nevergiveup】
20.
"The
most
beautiful
people
we
have
known
are
those
who
have
known
defeat,
known
suffering,
known
struggle,
known
loss,
and
have
found
their
way
out
of
the
depths.
"
【#beautyfrompain
#strength】