.jpg)
1.
"Let's
strive
to
make
every
day
feel
like
a
new
beginning
and
rediscover
the
joys
of
our
past
lives.
"
【始于新的开始,重拾曾经的美好。
】
2.
"The
road
to
recovery
may
be
long,
but
it's
worth
it
to
regain
the
simple
pleasures
we
once
took
for
granted.
"
【虽然重建生活有时会很漫长,但重新拥抱曾经被我们视为理所当然的小幸福,这样做也是值得的。
】
3.
"We
can't
change
what's
happened,
but
we
can
choose
to
move
forward
and
create
new
memories.
"
【我们无法改变过去所发生的,但是我们可以决定继续向前,创造新的回忆。
】
4.
"It's
easy
to
get
caught
up
in
the
past,
but
let's
focus
on
the
present
and
look
forward
to
the
future.
"
【沉迷于过去很容易,但是让我们专注于现在,展望未来。
】
5.
"Through
hardships,
we
learn
to
appreciate
the
little
things
that
make
life
worth
living.
"
【在经历了一些苦难之后,我们会学会珍惜那些让生命变得更美好的小事情。
】
6.
"In
the
midst
of
chaos,
we
can
find
solace
in
the
routines
and
habits
that
bring
us
comfort.
"
【即使是在混乱的环境中,我们也能找到能够让自己感到舒适的常规和习惯。
】
7.
"It's
important
to
take
things
one
day
at
a
time
and
celebrate
even
the
smallest
victories.
"
【重要的是要一天一个脚印,庆祝每一个小小的胜利。
】
8.
"We
will
never
forget
what
we've
lost,
but
we
can
choose
to
honor
it
by
living
our
lives
to
the
fullest.
"
【我们永远不会忘记我们失去了什么,但我们可以选择通过将生活过得充实起来来纪念它。
】
9.
"Be
kind
to
yourself
during
this
process,
and
remember
that
healing
takes
time.
"
【在这个过程中,请对自己好一点,记住恢复需要时间。
】
10.
"Embrace
change
and
embrace
the
unknown,
knowing
that
it
can
lead
to
new
opportunities
and
experiences.
"
【拥抱变化和未知,因为知道它们可能会带来新的机遇和体验。
】
11.
"Celebrate
the
small
victories
and
take
time
to
appreciate
the
little
moments
in
life.
"
【庆祝小小的胜利,花时间欣赏生活中的点滴。
】
12.
"Life
is
about
adapting
to
change
and
finding
joy
in
the
process.
"
【生活是关于适应变化,并在过程中找到快乐。
】
13.
"With
each
day
comes
new
challenges
and
new
possibilities.
"
【每一天都带来新的挑战和新的可能性。
】
14.
"Life
is
not
about
waiting
for
the
storm
to
pass;
it's
about
learning
to
dance
in
the
rain.
"
【生活不是等待风暴过去,而是学会在雨中跳舞。
】
15.
"Hold
onto
hope
and
keep
moving
forward,
knowing
that
things
will
eventually
get
better.
"
【保持希望,继续前进,知道事情最终会变得更好。
】
16.
"Find
comfort
in
the
familiar
and
embrace
the
new.
"
【在熟悉中找到舒适,拥抱新的事物。
】
17.
"We
may
not
have
control
over
everything,
but
we
can
control
how
we
react
to
it.
"
【我们可能无法控制一切,但我们可以控制自己对待它的态度。
】
18.
"Take
time
to
reflect
on
the
past
and
map
out
a
plan
for
a
brighter
future.
"
【花时间回顾过去,并为更加光明的未来制定计划。
】
19.
"Things
may
never
be
the
same,
but
that
doesn't
mean
they
can't
be
even
better.
"
【事情可能永远都不会再次回到原来的样子,但这并不意味着它们不能变得更好。
】
20.
"Recovery
is
not
a
destination,
but
a
journey
filled
with
ups
and
downs.
Let's
embrace
it
and
enjoy
the
ride.
"
【恢复不是一个终点,而是一个充满起落的旅程。
让我们拥抱它,享受这段旅程。
】