1.
"Life
is
about
making
choices,
and
chose
to
follow
my
heart
today.
"
【想起那句话,我走自己的路让别人无话可说。
】
2.
"Sometimes,
all
it
takes
is
a
change
in
perspective,
and
suddenly
everything
falls
into
place.
"
【看过来,新路线就在前方等着我们。
】
3.
"Sometimes,
you
have
to
take
a
leap
of
faith
and
believe
that
the
universe
will
catch
you.
"
【尝试新的路线,才可能发现更大的世界。
】
4.
"The
intersection
of
past
and
present
is
where
the
magic
happens.
"
【看看这路口,过往与现在交汇在这里。
】
5.
"Taking
the
scenic
route
always
pays
off
in
unexpected
ways.
"
【别压着喇叭,沿着路口的风景线缓缓前行吧。
】
6.
"When
faced
with
a
fork
in
the
road,
don't
be
afraid
to
take
the
road
less
traveled.
"
【哪个路口才是你心中的正确方向呢?】
7.
"This
intersection
may
not
be
a
destination,
but
it's
certainly
a
starting
point
for
new
adventures.
"
【听说从这个路口出发,会有一个神秘的旅程等待着我们。
】
8.
"Sometimes,
you
have
to
get
lost
to
find
yourself.
"
【往回顾,往前看,路口才是你重新定位的开始。
】
9.
"In
a
world
full
of
chaos
and
confusion,
the
simplicity
of
a
crossroad
can
be
refreshing.
"
【遇到迷茫的时候,路口是你找到方向的突破口。
】
10.
"Life
is
a
journey,
and
every
intersection
is
an
opportunity
to
take
a
new
path.
"
【选择的路口,决定了我们未来的方向。
】
11.
"The
beauty
of
life
lies
in
the
unknown,
and
every
intersection
offers
a
chance
to
explore
it.
"
【不同的路口,打开了不同的世界。
】
2.
"Looking
back
on
the
crossroads
of
my
life,
realize
that
every
decision
mattered.
"
【回想以往,在路口做出的每一次选择都铭刻在心。
】
3.
"At
a
crossroad,
you
have
the
power
to
choose
your
own
destiny.
"
【人生就像路口,每次决策都主导着你未来的发展。
】
4.
"The
intersection
of
passion
and
purpose
is
where
you'll
find
true
fulfillment.
"
【只有对自己热爱的事情,才能找到真正的方向。
】
5.
"A
crossroad
offers
a
chance
to
slow
down
and
reflect
on
where
you've
been
and
where
you're
going.
"
【过去和未来,在路口这里交汇成一条又一条的道路,望着远方,人生的未来还有多远?】
6.
"Every
road
has
its
own
challenges,
but
the
destination
is
worth
the
journey.
"
【无论往何方,所有的路口一路都需要自己走过去。
】
7.
"The
intersection
of
dreams
and
reality
is
where
the
biggest
adventures
await.
"
【路口很多,选对了方向,就有可能找到自己梦中的彩虹。
】
8.
"The
crossroads
of
life
can
be
intimidating,
but
they
always
lead
to
growth
and
change.
"
【每次在路口迷失方向时,都是探索梦想的机会。
】
9.
"The
intersection
of
love
and
fear
is
where
you'll
find
the
courage
to
make
bold
decisions.
"
【路口有时并不只是一个路口,还有很多故事,有很多北京人。
】
20.
"When
you're
at
a
crossroad,
trust
your
intuition,
because
it
will
never
lead
you
astray.
"
【在每个路口,无需强求自己,坚持初心便是自己最好的引路人。
】