.jpg)
1.
"Leadership
is
not
about
being
in
charge.
It's
about
taking
care
of
those
in
your
charge.
"
【领袖不是掌控一切,而是要照顾好手下的人。
】
2.
"Being
a
leader
means
setting
high
standards
for
yourself
and
your
team,
and
then
working
hard
to
meet
those
standards.
"
【做一个领袖意味着要给自己和团队设定高标准,然后努力去达到这些标准。
】
3.
"True
leadership
is
about
inspiring
others
to
be
the
best
version
of
themselves.
"
【真正的领袖要鼓舞他人成为最好的自己。
】
4.
"Leadership
is
not
a
position
or
a
title,
it's
an
action
and
example.
"
【领袖并不只是一个职位或头衔,而是一种行动和榜样。
】
5.
"Effective
leadership
is
not
about
being
the
boss,
it's
about
working
with
your
team
to
achieve
common
goals.
"
【有效的领导并不是要当老板,而是要和团队一起共同达成目标。
】
6.
"Leadership
is
not
about
showing
how
smart
you
are,
it's
about
making
everyone
around
you
feel
valued
and
respected.
"
【领袖不是要展现自己的智慧,而是要让周围的人感到被重视和尊重。
】
7.
"A
great
leader
is
one
who
knows
the
way,
goes
the
way,
and
shows
the
way.
"
【一个伟大的领袖是那个知道路的人,走自己的路,而且能指引他人的路。
】
8.
"An
effective
leader
is
one
who
listens
more
than
they
speak,
and
values
the
input
of
every
team
member.
"
【一个有效的领袖是那个会倾听多于说话,重视每个团队成员的意见。
】
9.
"Leadership
is
not
about
being
perfect,
but
about
constantly
striving
to
improve
and
learn.
"
【领袖并不是要完美,而是要不断努力改进和学习。
】
10.
"A
true
leader
is
one
who
is
not
afraid
to
take
risks
and
make
tough
decisions
for
the
benefit
of
their
team.
"
【真正的领袖不害怕冒险,愿意为团队的利益做出艰难的决策。
】
11.
"Leadership
is
not
about
making
yourself
look
good,
it's
about
making
everyone
on
your
team
look
good.
"
【领袖不是要让自己看起来好,而是要让团队中的每个人看起来好。
】
12.
"Good
leaders
don't
just
lead
by
example,
they
also
create
a
culture
of
trust,
respect,
and
integrity
within
their
team.
"
【好的领袖不仅要以身作则,还要在团队内建立信任、尊重和诚信的文化。
】
13.
"Leadership
is
not
about
being
the
most
talented
or
knowledgeable
person
in
the
room,
it's
about
recognizing
and
utilizing
the
strengths
of
everyone
on
your
team.
"
【领袖并不是要成为房间里最有才华或知识的人,而是要认识到并利用团队中每个人的优势。
】
14.
"The
mark
of
a
great
leader
is
the
ability
to
empower
and
inspire
others
to
reach
their
full
potential.
"
【伟大领袖的标志是能够赋予他人力量及激发他们释放全部潜力。
】
15.
"Compassion
and
empathy
are
essential
qualities
for
a
leader,
as
they
help
to
build
strong
relationships
and
foster
a
positive
team
culture.
"
【同情心和共情能助于领袖建立稳固的关系及培养积极向上的团队文化。
】
16.
"Leadership
is
not
about
telling
people
what
to
do,
it's
about
guiding
them
towards
the
best
possible
outcome.
"
【领袖并不是要告诉人们该做什么,而是要帮助他们达到最佳结果。
】
17.
"Great
leaders
don't
just
lead,
they
also
serve
and
support
their
team
every
step
of
the
way.
"
【优秀的领袖不仅仅是带路,而且全程服务、支持团队。
】
18.
"Strong
communication
skills
are
key
for
a
leader,
as
they
help
to
ensure
that
everyone
on
the
team
understands
their
role
and
the
common
goals.
"
【领袖需要强大的沟通能力,帮助团队中每个人明确自己的角色及共同目标。
】
19.
"Leadership
is
not
about
being
the
center
of
attention,
it's
about
shining
a
light
on
the
achievements
of
everyone
on
your
team.
"
【领袖不是要成为关注的中心,而是要照亮团队中每个人的成就。
】
20.
"Above
all,
a
great
leader
is
someone
who
leads
with
integrity,
honesty,
and
a
commitment
to
doing
what
is
right
for
their
team
and
their
organization.
"
【最重要的是,优秀的领袖应该以正直、诚实、承诺履行责任为核心,用自己的行动来证明他对团队和组织的关注。
】