.jpg)
1.
The
storm
will
pass,
and
the
sun
will
shine
again.
】
2.
Just
like
the
weather,
life
can
be
unpredictable.
You
have
to
learn
to
adapt
to
change.
】
3.
When
it's
raining,
appreciate
the
beauty
it
brings
to
the
world.
Life
is
the
same
way.
Embrace
the
challenges
and
find
the
beauty
within
them.
】
4.
sunny
day
can
make
anyone's
mood
brighter,
just
like
a
positive
attitude
can
do
wonders
in
your
life.
】
5.
In
the
same
way
the
seasons
change,
our
lives
go
through
seasons
of
growth
and
change.
Embrace
each
one
and
enjoy
the
journey.
】
6.
The
sky
may
be
grey
today,
but
remember
that
nothing
stays
the
same
forever.
Brighter
days
are
on
the
horizon.
】
7.
Life
is
like
the
weather,
constantly
changing.
But
just
like
a
rainbow
after
the
rain,
beauty
can
be
found
in
every
circumstance.
】
8.
Don't
wait
for
a
perfect
day
to
live
your
life.
Every
day,
rain
or
shine,
is
an
opportunity
to
find
joy
and
make
memories.
】
9.
Just
like
the
sun
breaking
through
on
a
cloudy
day,
hope
can
break
through
the
darkest
of
moments.
Keep
your
head
up
and
keep
pushing
forward.
】
10.
Sometimes
life
hits
you
with
a
storm,
but
you
are
stronger
than
you
think.
You
can
weather
any
storm
if
you
just
hold
on.
】
11.
beautiful
sunset
reminds
us
that
even
the
most
beautiful
things
in
life
must
come
to
an
end.
Make
the
most
of
every
moment
and
appreciate
the
beauty
around
you.
】
12.
When
life
feels
overwhelming,
take
a
step
back
and
appreciate
the
simplicity
and
stillness
of
a
clear
blue
sky.
】
13.
Often
in
life,
we
have
to
learn
to
dance
in
the
rain.
Don't
let
the
storms
keep
you
from
enjoying
the
journey.
】
14.
The
rain
may
be
falling,
but
remember
that
every
raindrop
is
nourishing
the
earth
and
helping
things
grow.
The
same
goes
for
the
tough
times
in
life.
】
15.
Just
like
a
snowstorm
can
blanket
the
world
in
white,
a
fresh
perspective
can
bring
clarity
to
your
life
and
help
you
see
things
in
a
new
light.
】
16.
Life
is
full
of
both
sunny
and
stormy
moments.
It's
up
to
us
to
learn
how
to
navigate
through
them
and
find
the
silver
lining.
】
17.
When
the
wind
is
blowing
and
the
skies
are
grey,
remember
that
nothing
stays
the
same
forever.
Change
is
a
constant
in
life,
and
that
can
be
a
good
thing.
】
18.
clear
blue
sky
can
bring
a
sense
of
calm
and
peace,
just
like
finding
balance
and
harmony
in
your
life
can
bring
you
happiness.
】
19.
Life
is
full
of
ups
and
downs,
just
like
the
weather.
But
even
on
the
toughest
of
days,
remember
that
the
sun
will
rise
again
tomorrow.
】
20.
When
a
storm
is
brewing,
it's
important
to
be
prepared
and
have
a
plan.
The
same
goes
for
life.
Be
proactive
and
make
a
plan
for
success.
】