1.
"Our
minds
are
like
books,
and
every
problem
we
solve
is
a
chapter
we
add.
"
【思维如书,解题如加章。
】
2.
"In
the
journey
of
learning,
obstacles
are
merely
stepping
stones.
"
【在学习的旅途中,障碍只是跨越的石子。
】
3.
"A
puzzle
may
seem
daunting
at
first,
but
with
every
piece
we
put
in
place,
the
picture
becomes
clearer.
"
【开始的难题,如同大海上的迷雾。
然而每个步骤都为我们揭示远方的彩虹。
】
4.
"Learning
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination.
It's
about
the
joy
of
discovering
the
unknown.
"
【学习是一种旅程,而不是一个终点。
它关乎于发现未知的快乐。
】
5.
"You
can't
build
a
strong
foundation
without
first
laying
every
brick
with
care.
"
【没有用心铺设每一个砖石,就难以拥有强大的基础。
】
6.
"In
the
face
of
unfamiliar
problems,
our
creativity
is
a
compass
pointing
us
towards
the
solution.
"
【在不熟悉的问题前,创意则是我们寻找解决有效方法的指南针。
】
7.
"You
don't
need
wings
to
fly.
Resolve
and
determination
are
all
you
need
to
soar
towards
success.
"
【不需要双翅展翅高飞。
决心和毅力能带你飞向成功。
】
8.
"A
true
learner
is
one
who
welcomes
challenges,
for
it
is
only
through
adversity
that
we
can
grow.
"
【真正的学子,迎接挑战。
因为只有在逆境中,才能茁壮成长。
】
9.
"A
problem
is
never
truly
solved
until
we
understand
the
mechanics
behind
it.
"
【只有真正了解了身后的力量,问题才能彻底被解决。
】
10.
"The
journey
of
solving
a
problem
is
not
about
getting
it
right,
it's
about
finding
out
what
went
wrong
and
fixing
it.
"
【解决问题并不是关于操作方法的正确性,而是关于找到问题并解决它。
】
11.
"A
wise
man
once
said:
'failure
is
not
the
opposite
of
success,
it's
a
part
of
it'.
"
【有人说过:失败并非成功的反义词,而是它的一部分。
】
12.
"A
problem
is
merely
a
puzzle
waiting
to
be
solved.
"
【问题只是等待去解决的谜题而已。
】
13.
"Our
minds
are
like
gardens,
and
every
new
idea
is
a
seed
that
can
grow
into
something
beautiful.
"
【思想像花园,每个新意念都像一颗种子,能最终长成美丽的花朵。
】
14.
"Without
challenge,
there
can
be
no
progress.
Embrace
difficulties
as
opportunities
for
growth.
"
【没有挑战,就没有进步。
以苦难为步伐的机遇。
】
15.
"Creativity
is
the
key
to
unlocking
the
doors
of
possibility,
and
each
problem
is
but
a
new
door
to
be
opened.
"
【创造力是开启可能性的关键,每个问题只是一个新的门,等待我们打开。
】
16.
"The
most
successful
people
are
not
those
who
never
fail,
but
those
who
pick
themselves
back
up
after
every
fall.
"
【最成功的人,不是从不失败的人,而是像凤凰涅磐重生般的那些。
】
17.
"Education
is
the
passport
to
the
future,
for
tomorrow
belongs
to
those
who
prepare
for
it
today.
"
【教育是未来的通行证,因为明天属于那些今天已经为之做好准备的人。
】
18.
"Learning
is
not
just
about
gaining
knowledge,
it's
about
discovering
one's
true
potential
and
unleashing
it.
"
【学习不只关乎获得知识,而是发现自己的真正潜力并充分发挥。
】
19.
"By
facing
our
fears
and
stepping
outside
our
comfort
zones,
we
can
reach
heights
we
never
thought
possible.
"
【通过面对恐惧并走出我们的舒适区,我们可以达到我们从未想到的高度。
】
20.
"A
mind
that
is
open
to
new
ideas,
will
never
run
out
of
room
to
grow.
"
【一个持续开放接受新观念的心智永远不会停止进步扩展它的空间。
】