1.
Sometimes,
the
saddest
thing
in
life
is
to
remember
happy
memories.
【#伤感语录】
2.
It’s
hard
to
trust
someone
who
has
already
shown
you
that
they
don’t
care
about
what
you
feel.
【#免费素材】
3.
Letting
go
doesn’t
mean
giving
up,
but
rather
accepting
that
there
are
things
that
cannot
be.
【#视频】
4.
Sometimes
the
only
way
to
let
go
is
to
hold
on
tighter
until
you
realize
that
it's
time
to
distance
yourself.
【#下载】
5.
Pain
is
inevitable,
but
suffering
is
optional.
【#文章】
6.
You
can't
force
someone
to
love
you,
but
you
can
always
try
to
make
them
see
how
much
you're
worth
loving.
【#标题】
7.
Don't
waste
your
time
on
someone
who
doesn’t
value
it.
【#标签】
8.
The
hardest
thing
to
do
is
to
forget,
but
even
harder
is
to
remember
how
much
you
loved
someone
who's
gone.
【#围绕】
9.
It's
better
to
be
alone
than
to
be
with
someone
who
won't
appreciate
your
presence.
【#文章标题】
10.
Sometimes
the
only
way
to
heal
is
to
forgive,
even
if
it
feels
like
you're
the
one
who's
been
wronged.
【#语录】
11.
You
can't
expect
someone
to
make
you
happy
if
you
can't
even
make
yourself
happy.
【#伤感】
2.
Love
hurts,
but
it's
better
to
have
loved
and
lost
than
to
never
have
loved
at
all.
【#免费】
3.
Life
is
full
of
ups
and
downs,
but
you
have
the
power
to
control
how
you
react
to
them.
【#素材】
4.
The
strongest
people
are
not
those
who
never
cry,
but
those
who
cry
and
still
manage
to
find
a
reason
to
smile.
【#下载】
5.
You
can't
change
what's
already
happened,
but
you
can
always
choose
how
to
move
forward.
【#视频】
6.
The
hardest
part
of
saying
goodbye
is
knowing
that
you're
leaving
a
part
of
yourself
behind.
【#标题】
7.
Sometimes
the
only
way
to
get
closure
is
to
accept
that
there
will
never
be
closure.
【#标签】
8.
Pain
can
be
a
gift,
as
it
reminds
us
of
how
much
we
truly
care
about
something
or
someone.
【#围绕】
9.
Time
heals
all
wounds,
but
it's
up
to
you
to
use
that
time
wisely.
【#文章】
20.
It's
important
to
remember
that
you're
not
alone,
and
that
there
are
people
who
care
about
you
even
when
it
feels
like
there
aren't.
【#语录】