1.
"I
have
missed
countless
family
dinners
because
of
work,
but
now
realize
that
those
moments
with
loved
ones
are
irreplaceable.
"】
2.
"The
constant
pressure
to
perform
at
work
has
made
me
forget
what
it
means
to
enjoy
life.
"】
3.
"I
will
no
longer
let
my
job
take
up
my
entire
mental
space,
there
is
more
to
life
than
just
work.
"】
4.
"It's
time
to
strike
a
balance
between
work
and
play,
before
life
passes
me
by.
"】
5.
"I
regret
all
the
vacations
cancelled
last
minute
due
to
work
obligations.
"】
6.
"I've
come
to
the
realization
that
my
job
shouldn't
come
at
the
price
of
my
well-being.
"】
7.
"I
can't
remember
the
last
time
did
something
truly
spontaneous,
work
always
gets
in
the
way.
"】
8.
"I've
traded
in
my
hobbies
and
passions
for
late
nights
at
the
office,
and
it's
time
to
change
that.
"】
9.
"Work
has
been
my
main
priority
for
so
long,
but
there's
more
to
life
than
just
climbing
the
corporate
ladder.
"】
10.
"I've
been
working
so
much
that
I've
barely
had
time
to
see
my
friends,
and
that's
a
mistake
won't
make
again.
"】
11.
"The
money
and
success
I've
gained
from
work
can't
compare
to
the
joy
and
fulfillment
of
spending
quality
time
with
loved
ones.
"】
12.
"I've
been
missing
out
on
the
simple
pleasures
in
life,
like
relaxing
with
a
good
book
or
taking
a
leisurely
stroll
around
the
neighborhood.
"】
13.
"Work
can
wait,
my
personal
life
won't.
"】
14.
"I
used
to
think
that
my
job
defined
me,
but
now
know
that
there's
more
to
life
than
just
a
career.
"】
15.
"I've
been
putting
off
important
milestones,
like
starting
a
family,
because
of
work,
and
it's
time
to
change
that.
"】
16.
"I've
been
so
focused
on
work
that
I've
forgotten
to
take
care
of
my
own
health
and
well-being.
"】
17.
"I'm
tired
of
feeling
like
I'm
missing
out
on
life,
it's
time
to
make
a
change.
"】
18.
"I
don't
want
to
look
back
on
my
life
and
regret
not
taking
the
time
to
truly
enjoy
it.
"】
19.
"I've
learned
the
hard
way
that
you
can't
put
a
price
tag
on
the
moments
that
matter
most.
"】
20.
"It's
time
to
prioritize
my
life
outside
of
work,
because
at
the
end
of
the
day,
that's
what
really
matters.
"】