1.
Trust
is
the
foundation
of
every
strong
relationship.
【Trust】
2.
true
friend
is
someone
you
can
always
trust.
【Friendship】
3.
Without
trust,
love
cannot
thrive.
【Love】
4.
Trust
is
like
a
fragile
bird
that
once
broken,
cannot
be
fixed.
【Broken
Trust】
5.
Trust
is
a
two-way
street,
you
have
to
give
it
to
receive
it.
【Mutual
Trust】
6.
Trust
is
the
glue
that
holds
every
successful
team
together.
【Teamwork】
7.
Trust
is
the
key
to
effective
communication.
【Communication】
8.
Trust
and
honesty
are
the
pillars
of
a
happy
marriage.
【Marriage】
9.
Trust
your
instincts,
they
will
never
lead
you
astray.
【Instincts】
10.
Trust
is
the
foundation
of
every
successful
business
deal.
【Business】
11.
Trust
your
gut,
it
knows
what's
best
for
you.
【Intuition】
12.
Trust
starts
with
oneself,
before
it
can
be
extended
to
others.
【Self-Trust】
13.
Trust
is
earned,
not
demanded.
【Earning
Trust】
14.
Trust
is
the
currency
of
every
healthy
relationship.
【Healthy
Relationships】
15.
Trust
can
be
lost
in
seconds,
but
takes
years
to
regain.
【Regaining
Trust】
16.
Trust
is
the
seed
that
grows
into
a
fruitful
relationship.
【Growing
Trust】
17.
Trust
is
the
bridge
that
connects
hearts
together.
【Connecting
Hearts】
18.
Trust
is
the
light
that
guides
us
through
the
darkest
moments.
【Guiding
Light】
19.
Trust
is
the
breath
of
life,
without
it,
we
wither
away.
【Life】
20.
Trust
is
the
music
that
resonates
in
the
soul.
【Soul】