1.
Life
is
an
art,
and
we
are
its
artists.
【-Unknown】
2.
Life
is
like
a
canvas,
and
we
are
the
painters.
Choose
your
colors
wisely.
【-Unknown】
3.
Living
a
good
life
is
not
luck.
It
is
a
skill
that
can
be
learned.
【-Brian
Tracy】
4.
Life
is
a
continuous
learning
process,
and
the
more
we
learn,
the
better
we
get
at
it.
【-Unknown】
5.
Improving
your
life
is
all
about
improving
yourself.
【-Unknown】
6.
Master
the
art
of
living,
and
you
will
master
the
art
of
happiness.
【-Unknown】
7.
The
best
way
to
predict
your
future
is
to
create
it.
【-Abraham
Lincoln】
8.
Life
is
a
journey,
and
we
are
all
travelers.
Enjoy
the
scenery
along
the
way.
【-Unknown】
9.
Our
thoughts
shape
our
lives,
and
positive
thinking
can
go
a
long
way.
【-Unknown】
10.
Happiness
is
not
something
you
find,
it's
something
you
create.
【-Unknown】
11.
Life
is
what
you
make
of
it,
so
make
it
count.
【-Unknown】
12.
Success
is
a
result
of
hard
work,
perseverance,
and
a
positive
attitude.
【-Unknown】
13.
The
richest
people
in
the
world
are
not
those
who
have
the
most
money,
but
those
who
live
the
most
fulfilled
lives.
【-Unknown】
14.
Life
is
a
stage,
and
we
are
all
actors.
Play
your
part
to
the
best
of
your
ability.
【-William
Shakespeare】
15.
Life
is
a
puzzle,
and
it's
up
to
us
to
put
the
pieces
together.
【-Unknown】
16.
We
are
the
architects
of
our
lives,
and
we
should
build
wisely.
【-Unknown】
17.
Life
is
too
short
to
be
spent
in
regret.
Make
the
most
of
every
moment.
【-Unknown】
18.
Focus
on
the
things
that
matter,
and
let
go
of
the
rest.
【-Unknown】
19.
The
greatest
wealth
is
a
life
well-lived.
【-Unknown】
20.
Life
is
not
a
problem
to
be
solved,
but
a
gift
to
be
cherished.
【-Unknown】