1.
"The
sound
of
shattered
glass
mirrors
the
broken
pieces
of
my
heart.
"
【心碎成了一地的砖瓦声】
2.
"The
car
may
be
crushed,
but
my
soul
feels
like
it's
been
run
over
too.
"
【车毁人亡,心破灵伤】
3.
"When
life
throws
stones
at
you,
it's
best
to
build
a
strong
foundation
to
withstand
the
impact.
"
【人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇】
4.
"As
the
dust
settles
on
the
wreckage,
we
must
learn
to
brush
ourselves
off
and
keep
moving
forward.
"
【人总要跌倒,才会学会向前走】
5.
"Sometimes
life
hits
you
so
hard
it
feels
like
you'll
never
get
back
up
again.
"
【我们常常在不经意间错过了想要的,却常常在意想不到的时候得到了以前不敢想的】
6.
"The
pieces
may
be
scattered,
but
they
can
still
be
put
back
together
with
love
and
patience.
"
【伤口需要时间去慢慢愈合,但是爱可以让时间更快。
】
7.
"When
everything
feels
like
it's
falling
apart,
remember
that
it's
just
an
opportunity
to
build
something
better.
"
【人生路漫漫,需要勇气】
8.
"Broken
hearts
may
never
fully
heal,
but
they
can
still
beat
with
renewed
strength
and
purpose.
"
【我都变成了你的影子,你还在我梦里出现吗?】
9.
"The
pain
of
loss
may
linger,
but
it
can
also
fuel
us
to
live
more
fully
in
honor
of
those
we've
lost.
"
【我们都期待着某件事情,期待得多了,反而会失去更多。
】
10.
"Sometimes
it
takes
a
tragedy
to
remind
us
of
the
preciousness
of
life
and
the
importance
of
cherishing
every
moment.
"
【不是因为离了谁,就活不下去。
只是,终究还是等来了悲伤。
】
11.
"The
scars
we
bear
remind
us
of
the
battles
we've
won
and
the
resilience
we
possess.
"
【爱情就像诗歌,简短而浪漫。
】
12.
"In
times
of
adversity,
we
discover
our
true
strength
and
the
power
of
community.
"
【
无论你经历什么困难,只要坚信自己能够战胜,就请勇敢向前。
】
13.
"Loss
changes
us,
but
it
also
offers
us
the
opportunity
to
grow
and
evolve.
"
【如果有什么是注定的,那就是我们都极可能走散。
】
14.
"Out
of
the
wreckage,
new
beginnings
can
emerge
if
we're
willing
to
embrace
change.
"
【为了梦想,让自己不停前行。
】
15.
"Grief
can
break
our
hearts,
but
love
can
also
heal
them.
"
【曾经以为最难熬的事,最难忘记的人,最终发现恰恰是自己。
】
16.
"The
darkness
may
be
overwhelming,
but
even
the
smallest
spark
can
ignite
a
fire
that
will
light
the
way
forward.
"
【不是所有的伤痕都需要被消除,有时候也可以看成是自己的勋章。
】
17.
"Life's
challenges
may
knock
us
down,
but
they
also
give
us
the
opportunity
to
rise
up
stronger
than
ever.
"
【平凡之中,才能绽放绚烂的风华。
】
18.
"In
the
face
of
tragedy,
it's
easy
to
lose
hope,
but
we
must
remember
that
hope
is
what
keeps
us
moving
forward.
"
【即使成为了阴影,也会继续前行。
】
19.
"When
we've
lost
so
much,
it's
easy
to
forget
that
we
still
have
the
power
to
rebuild
and
start
anew.
"
【在其他的路口,或许还有不到依靠,但还有自己。
】
20.
"The
pain
may
never
completely
go
away,
but
we
can
learn
to
carry
it
with
us
as
a
reminder
of
the
love
we've
lost
and
the
strength
we've
gained.
"
【路漫漫,只有坚持不懈、不畏艰险,才能够到达人生的彼岸。
】