.jpg)
1.
Though
sweat
constantly
flows
down
my
forehead,
this
heat
only
makes
my
determination
to
exercise
stronger.
【炎炎夏日,我仍坚持锻炼,汗水从额头不断滑落,但这样的高温只让我的决心更加坚定。
】
2.
The
scorching
sun
may
burn
my
skin,
but
the
fire
inside
me
burns
even
brighter
as
strive
for
a
better
version
of
myself.
【炙热的阳光或许能灼伤我的皮肤,但在我追求更好的自己时,内心的火焰却比较强烈。
】
3.
Sweat
is
the
price
pay
for
the
triumph
see
in
the
mirror
after
a
good
workout
session
in
the
summertime.
【夏季里,良好锻炼后镜中的成功感,是我付出汗水的代价。
】
4.
The
blazing
heat
of
summer
can't
stop
me
from
chasing
my
fitness
goals,
as
know
the
harder
fight,
the
sweeter
the
feeling
of
success.
【尽管炎热的夏季挡不住我追求身体健康的步伐,因为我知道,战斗得越努力,成功的滋味就越甜美。
】
5.
With
sweat
dripping
down
my
face
and
my
heart
racing,
a
summer
workout
is
the
ultimate
test
of
physical
and
mental
strength.
【大汗淋漓,心跳加速,夏季锻炼是体力和心理强度的终极考验。
】
6.
Don't
let
the
scorching
heat
of
summer
discourage
you
from
working
out
-
the
feeling
of
feeling
accomplishing
after
a
good
session
is
worth
it.
【不要因炎热的夏季而放弃锻炼机会,只有良好的锻炼后感,才值得你的付出。
】
7.
Summer
may
be
the
season
of
relaxation
for
some,
but
for
me,
it's
the
season
to
push
myself
and
come
out
stronger
than
ever.
【对一些人而言,夏季是放松的季节,但对我而言,它是一个超越自我的机遇。
】
8.
The
summer
sweat
on
my
body
may
be
uncomfortable,
but
remind
myself
that
it's
the
sweat
of
hard
work
and
determination.
【夏日流在我身上的汗水可能令人不舒服,但我想起这是勤奋和决心的“血汗”,感觉就格外甜美。
】
9.
The
challenge
of
summer
workouts
is
what
makes
me
come
back
for
more
-
the
idea
of
overcoming
the
obstacles
and
achieving
greatness.
【夏季锻炼的挑战性才让我一次次回到这里,因为我相信自己能克服难关并取得卓越成就。
】
10.
summer
workout
may
leave
me
physically
exhausted,
but
mentally,
it
leaves
me
empowered
to
tackle
any
challenge
that
comes
my
way.
【夏季锻炼可能会让我体力透支充盈,但精神上,它让我能够应对任何挑战。
】
11.
With
every
drop
of
sweat,
remind
myself
that
hard
work
and
consistency
will
lead
to
progress
and
results.
【每一滴汗,都提醒自己,勤奋和坚持会带来进步和结果。
】
12.
The
heat
may
make
me
feel
like
giving
up,
but
the
fire
inside
me
to
achieve
my
fitness
goals
burns
even
brighter.
【炎热让我想放弃,但追求身体健康的火焰更加熊熊燃烧。
】
13.
summer
workout
may
be
intense,
but
the
endorphins
released
after
make
it
all
worth
it.
【夏季的锻炼可能很激烈,但喜欢激发的内啡肽,令付出一切都物有所值。
】
14.
welcome
the
sweat
that
comes
with
a
summer
workout
because
it's
a
sign
that
I'm
closer
to
my
goals
than
ever
before.
【迎接夏季锻炼中带来的汗水,因为这意味着我比以往更接近自己的目标。
】
15.
The
hot
sun
beats
down
on
me,
but
my
determination
to
get
healthy
and
fit
beats
even
hotter.
【酷热的太阳在头顶炙烤,但我追求健康和健美的决心比阳光更加强烈。
】
16.
summer
workout
may
leave
my
muscles
feeling
sore,
but
it
also
leaves
me
feeling
strong
and
capable.
【夏季锻炼可能会让我的肌肉酸疼不已,但它也让我感到更强壮和有能力。
】
17.
may
sweat
like
crazy
during
a
summer
workout,
but
the
feeling
of
accomplishment
afterwards
is
priceless.
【夏季锻炼时,我或许汗流浃背,但事后的成就感是无价的。
】
18.
summer
workout
is
not
just
a
physical
challenge,
it's
also
a
mental
one,
as
push
myself
to
overcome
my
own
limits.
【夏季锻炼不仅是体力上的挑战,更是精神上的挑战,我要超越自我极限。
】
19.
The
heat
of
summer
may
make
me
feel
like
giving
up,
but
the
feeling
of
progress
I'm
making
keeps
me
going.
【夏季的炎炎热浪让我想要放弃,但实现自己的进步,却是我继续前行的动力源泉。
】
20.
With
every
rep
and
every
drop
of
sweat,
remind
myself
that
I'm
getting
closer
to
my
goal
-
a
healthier,
stronger
version
of
myself.
【每一组、每一滴汗水,我提醒自己,我正在走向目标——健康、强壮的自己的转化。
】