1.
"The
power
of
positive
thinking
is
truly
remarkable"
【心态决定一切】
2.
"Start
each
day
with
a
grateful
heart
and
watch
your
life
transform"
【心存感激,生活更美好】
3.
"Believe
in
yourself
and
anything
is
possible"
【自信,成就不止一种人生】
4.
"It's
not
about
having
time,
it's
about
making
time"
【抓住时间,把握机会】
5.
"Dream
big,
work
hard,
stay
focused,
and
surround
yourself
with
positive
people"
【追逐梦想,付出努力,聚焦方向,交好友】
6.
"You
are
capable
of
amazing
things,
believe
in
your
abilities"
【你拥有惊人的能力,相信自己】
7.
"Happiness
is
a
state
of
mind,
not
a
destination"
【快乐源于心态,而非外物】
8.
"Everything
you’ve
ever
wanted
is
on
the
other
side
of
fear"
【勇敢面对恐惧,收获梦想】
9.
"Be
yourself,
everyone
else
is
already
taken"
【做最真实的自己,不必刻意迎合】
10.
"The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do"
【只有热爱工作,才能做出伟大的成就】
11.
"Strive
for
progress,
not
perfection"
【追求进步,而非完美】
12.
"Life
is
too
short
to
spend
time
with
people
who
suck
the
happiness
out
of
you"
【珍惜时光,拒绝与让你疲惫的人为伍】
13.
"Success
is
not
final,
failure
is
not
fatal:
it
is
the
courage
to
continue
that
counts"
【成功不是终点,失败不是致命——重要的是保持勇气继续前行】
14.
"Surround
yourself
with
those
who
lift
you
higher"
【身边的人,让你更努力更向上】
15.
"Set
a
goal
that
makes
you
want
to
jump
out
of
bed
in
the
morning"
【制定目标,让晨起兴致盎然】
16.
"The
mind
is
everything.
What
you
think
you
become"
【心所向,人所成】
17.
"Life
begins
at
the
end
of
your
comfort
zone"
【舒适区是死亡,挑战是人生的起点】
18.
"Success
is
not
how
high
you
have
climbed,
but
how
you
make
a
positive
difference
to
the
world"
【成功不在于攀登的高度,而在于对世界的积极贡献】
19.
"Your
only
limit
is
the
one
you
set
for
yourself"
【唯一的限制在于自己,勇敢突破】
20.
"Dare
to
live
the
life
you
have
dreamed
for
yourself"
【勇敢去追逐梦想,活出自己想要的人生】