.jpg)
1.
Graduation
marks
the
end
of
one
journey
and
the
beginning
of
another,
let's
embrace
the
unknown
with
courage
and
enthusiasm.
】
2.
Cherish
the
memories
that
we've
made
in
these
past
few
years,
and
look
forward
to
the
new
ones
we'll
create
in
the
future.
】
3.
As
we
step
out
into
the
real
world,
let's
be
thankful
for
the
wonderful
experiences
and
friendships
we've
gained
along
the
way.
】
4.
Graduation
may
be
bittersweet,
but
let's
always
remember
to
hold
on
to
the
sweetness
and
leave
the
bitterness
behind.
】
5.
Today
may
be
the
end
of
an
era,
but
it's
also
the
start
of
a
new
chapter.
Let's
make
it
a
good
one.
】
6.
Goodbyes
are
never
easy,
but
let's
always
keep
in
mind
the
possibilities
that
await
us
in
the
future.
】
7.
The
road
ahead
may
be
challenging,
but
let's
face
it
with
positivity
and
determination.
】
8.
Let's
take
a
moment
to
celebrate
our
accomplishments,
and
then
move
forward
with
renewed
vigor
and
purpose.
】
9.
Graduation
is
just
the
beginning
of
a
lifetime
of
learning.
Let's
never
stop
seeking
knowledge
and
growth.
】
10.
The
end
of
one
journey
only
means
the
beginning
of
another.
Let's
embrace
the
new
challenges
with
open
arms.
】
11.
We
may
be
leaving
this
place
behind,
but
the
memories
and
friendships
we've
gained
will
stay
with
us
forever.
】
12.
Let's
not
dwell
on
the
sadness
of
departing,
but
rather
celebrate
the
joy
of
the
experiences
we've
shared.
】
13.
As
we
say
farewell,
let's
carry
with
us
the
lessons
and
values
that
we've
learned
here.
】
14.
It's
not
the
end,
it's
just
a
new
beginning.
Let's
make
the
most
of
it.
】
15.
Congratulations
on
reaching
this
milestone!
Let's
continue
to
strive
for
greatness
in
all
that
we
do.
】
16.
The
future
may
be
uncertain,
but
let's
hold
onto
the
hope
and
possibilities
that
it
brings.
】
17.
Let's
take
a
moment
to
thank
all
the
people
who
have
supported
us
along
the
way,
and
let's
pay
it
forward.
】
18.
Today
is
not
an
end,
but
a
commencement.
Let's
make
it
count.
】
19.
The
world
is
our
oyster.
Let's
go
out
and
make
our
mark
on
it.
】
20.
new
chapter
in
our
lives
begins
today.
Let's
make
it
a
story
worth
telling.
】