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1.
时光匆匆而过,我只愿与你携手走过岁月长河。
【Time
flies
by,
only
want
to
walk
through
the
long
river
of
time
with
you.
】
2.
相对而坐,看云卷云舒,月落花开。
【Sitting
opposite,
watching
the
clouds
rolling,
the
moon
rising
and
falling
and
flowers
blooming.
】
3.
今宵月色真美,月下美人婉约多姿。
【The
moon
is
so
beautiful
tonight,
and
the
beauty
under
the
moon
is
graceful
and
colorful.
】
4.
于我心之渊,沉淀着千年的思念。
【In
the
depth
of
my
heart,
there
is
a
thousand
years
of
missing.
】
5.
世间悲欢离合,唯有相依相伴方可安心。
【In
the
world
of
joys
and
sorrows,
only
relying
on
each
other
can
we
be
at
ease.
】
6.
春风化雨,润物无声;你的温柔,如阳光般温暖。
【The
spring
breeze
and
the
rain
moisten
everything
without
a
sound;
your
tenderness
is
warm
like
sunshine.
】
7.
身在红尘,心往往已经超脱。
【In
the
world,
the
heart
is
often
detached.
】
8.
一曲清歌,一壶浊酒,静待花开月圆时。
【A
clear
song,
a
muddy
wine,
waiting
for
the
flowers
to
bloom
and
the
moon
to
be
full.
】
9.
白衣素裹,孤独寂寞,不舍温柔旧事。
【Wearing
white
clothes,
lonely
and
lonely,
not
willing
to
give
up
the
old
tenderness.
】
10.
日出而作,日落而息,红尘中的我们自由自在。
【Work
at
sunrise,
rest
at
sunset,
we
are
free
in
the
world.
】
11.
风吹落日,花开伴月,时光静美。
【The
wind
blows
at
sunset,
the
flowers
bloom
with
the
moon,
and
time
is
beautiful
and
quiet.
】
12.
月下独酌,泪如珠滴,思念无尽。
【Drinking
alone
under
the
moon,
tears
like
beads,
endless
missing.
】
13.
相遇时的美好,相伴时的温柔,如浅唱轻吟。
【The
beauty
of
meeting,
the
tenderness
of
accompanying,
like
a
light
singing.
】
14.
雨落听潇湘,山静看春华,心中只有你。
【Listen
to
the
rain
fall
in
the
Xiaoxiang
River,
watch
the
spring
flowers
on
a
quiet
mountain,
only
you
in
my
heart.
】
15.
失去的东西,永远无法完全领会它曾经拥有的美好。
【What
is
lost
can
never
fully
understand
the
beauty
it
once
had.
】
16.
如花般的年华,曾经绽放过最美的时光。
【The
blooming
years,
once
the
most
beautiful
time.
】
17.
沉醉于书香中,守护初心,恒久不变。
【Intoxicated
with
the
fragrance
of
books,
guarding
the
original
intention,
lasting
unchanged.
】
18.
循着花香,寻找那片瑰丽的梦境。
【Following
the
fragrance
of
flowers,
looking
for
that
beautiful
dreamland.
】
19.
心中温柔,如初春的池塘,满载着生命的希望。
【The
tenderness
in
my
heart
is
like
a
spring
pond,
full
of
hope
for
life.
】
20.
水滴石穿,不离不弃,此生与你一同走过。
【Dripping
water
wears
a
stone,
never
leave
or
abandon,
walking
through
this
life
with
you.
】