.jpg)
1.
"A
meal
without
wine
is
like
a
day
without
sunshine.
"
【食物与葡萄酒的完美搭配】
2.
"Life
is
uncertain.
Eat
dessert
first.
"
【在生活中,优雅地享受甜点】
3.
"Eating
is
a
necessity,
but
cooking
is
an
art.
"
【烹饪是一门艺术,享受美食只是一部分】
4.
"Eating
with
your
family
is
not
just
about
food,
it's
about
creating
memories.
"
【与家人共进晚餐,创造美好回忆】
5.
"Good
food
brings
people
together.
"
【享受美食的同时,交流和沟通会更加轻松】
6.
"Cooking
is
love
made
visible.
"
【烹饪是一种传达爱意的方式】
7.
"Food
is
not
just
fuel,
it's
information.
It
talks
to
your
and
tells
it
what
to
do.
"
【食物含有丰富的营养,对身体的影响也是不可忽视的】
8.
"Cooking
is
like
painting
or
writing
a
song.
Just
as
there
are
only
so
many
notes
or
colors,
there
are
only
so
many
flavors
-
it's
how
you
combine
them
that
sets
you
apart.
"
【掌握烹饪技巧,做出更好的美食】
9.
"The
most
important
thing
in
life
is
good
food
and
good
company.
"
【享受美食的同时,和好朋友团聚更加难得】
10.
"Cooking
is
all
about
people.
Food
is
maybe
the
only
universal
thing
that
really
has
the
power
to
bring
everyone
together.
"
【食物的魅力,可以让人们走在一起】
11.
"A
recipe
has
no
soul.
You
as
the
cook
must
bring
soul
to
the
recipe.
"
【不同的人做出的同一道菜,口感也会有所不同】
12.
"Food
is
symbolic
of
love
when
words
are
inadequate.
"
【美食是一种语言,可以表达那些无法言说的感情】
13.
"Wine
is
bottled
poetry.
"
【葡萄酒就像一瓶瓶诗歌】
14.
"Cooking
is
not
a
science,
it's
an
art,
mistakes
are
okay,
messes
are
fine,
the
pleasure
is
in
the
creating
and
the
sharing
of
the
result.
"
【烹饪不是一门严谨的科学,允许出现一些失误和混乱,重要的是从中得到快乐】
15.
"Food
is
not
just
eating
energy.
It's
an
experience.
"
【美食是一种完整的体验】
16.
"Wine
is
the
most
civilized
thing
in
the
world.
"
【葡萄酒是最有文化内涵的饮品之一】
17.
"Cooking
is
about
passion,
so
it
may
look
slightly
temperamental
in
a
way
that
it's
too
assertive
to
the
naked
eye.
"
【烹饪是一种情感和激情的表现,也许会让人看起来有些暴躁】
18.
"There
is
no
love
sincerer
than
the
love
of
food.
"
【享受美食就像是一种真挚的爱情】
19.
"Wine
is
bottled
poetry.
"
【葡萄酒也许是最美的诗歌,充满诗意和文化】
20.
"Cooking
is
like
magic.
"
【烹饪就像是一种魔法,有时候引人入胜,有时候惊喜连连】