



  1. 英语作文句子
  2. 5条关于生活习惯的英语作文句子
  3. 关于学校生活的英语作文句子各位谁有



Where the breeze passed, the green rose and fell with the wind, just like a dancer swinging her beautiful long skirt.


The shy girls in the garden all smile.


The bright and clean full moon has been lifted to the sky by the blue mountains in the distance.


Don't have any good hope for the enemy, otherwise you will suffer greater misfortune.


Silent night, no children's noise, only the moon and stars shining in the sky!


Look at the street, where is the ocean of lights, the world of light.


Autumn leaves like a yellow butterfly, vibration wings, free flight.


Yellow leaves fell from the tall trees like a dancing butterfly.


Night is getting thicker, but the city is still bustling.


I lost my homework book. I'm really like an ant on a hot pot.


Autumn is the most beautiful season in the four seasons of the year, and also one of my favorite seasons.


The sunset in summer is like the painting by skillful hands, which is exquisite.


In summer, the lotus fairy wears a beautiful dress and dances in the pond.


He roared furiously, and the sound rolled like thunder, far and wide.


Begonia flowers open a smiling face, competing to open.


The spring breeze, like the sun, shines into our hearts and warms us.


You come quietly, silent, in the blink of an eye, the earth put on the golden clothes.


In late autumn, the pomegranates on the tree all cracked, as if they were blooming flowers.


The water town in summer is a hot and unrestrained world.


The Begonia blooms like a lady who is going to attend a dinner party.


Spring, all kinds of Miss also sprout, crazy growth. Do you feel its tentacles?


It is the beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River. The most beautiful place of spring in the world is as beautiful as Qing's smile.


Epiphyllum to 9 o'clock to show you her charming flowers.


The seven colors of the rainbow are clear and brilliant, just like the colorful arch of a program.


South of the Yangtze River, white walls and black tiles, small bridge water, Wu Nong soft language, endless beauty!


It's a beautiful sunset by the sea.


Raindrops like broken line of pearls, Hua Hua Hua of the fall.


Then another lemon soldier picked up his telescope and looked at the onion.


We welcomed the autumn girl who had a good harvest, and winter sister came to us with a brisk pace.


Epiphyllum but at about nine o'clock Shu unfolded a beautiful smile.


The lotus flower is like a shy little girl, blooming secretly in the pond.


At dusk, the setting sun, the fire like sunset is gorgeous and dazzling.


The rain is boundless, the bridge is crooked, and the south of the Yangtze River is deep in the white clouds. The song is long and the water is rippling. The boat comes out of the south of the Yangtze River.


Osmanthus leaves the tree that cares about him and slowly falls down.


The third year of junior high school is doomed to be boring, tired and even painful.


When the grass came out of the earth, like a loom, woven out a piece of green.


Sleep up autumn sound, no place to find, full of parasol leaves in the sun.


Narcissus unfolded her beautiful skirt and burst into a beautiful smile.


There are also one or two street lights in the cracks of the tree, which are listless and sleepy.


On a cold day, plum blossom is still blooming, standing in the wind and snow, watching the prince charming in his heart.


Spring is coming, rape flowers are scrambling to open.


Peach blossom like a dancing girl, in the spring breeze slowly spit out a smile.


Groups of butterflies in the chrysanthemum cluster dancing, to add a bit of vitality to the flower bed.


The swallow's tail is like a pair of scissors.


Begonia flowers slowly opened their eyes to appreciate the colorful world.


Dewdrop is small, almost ignored by us, but it is irreplaceable.


Verdant trees from the mist show shy posture, seems to be in the sky light white clouds.


Duck head spring water thick as dye, water surface peach blossom make spring face.


Dew, is the cleaner, in the morning, wash away the stains on the plant.


Spring has come, the garden is full of flowers, blossoming into a smile, charming and moving.


Autumn is like a golden carpet, spread on the earth.


In autumn, persimmons on the persimmon tree are like small lanterns hanging on the trees.


You said that love will be cooler in summer, I said we become too cold in autumn.


When winter comes, plum blossom kisses the cold wind.


Roadside wild flowers stretch their arms to welcome the baptism from the Spring Festival.


Five pieces of goose yellow petals appear particularly delicate, as if a touch will break.


Looking forward to, looking forward to, spring is coming, spring girl with a light step to come to us.


Spring is coming. May your life be full of spring.


From a distance, a peach tree looks like an open umbrella.


There are more than ten lotus branches in the lake. The water drops on the bracts and the water drops on the lotus leaves roll back and forth.


2.Once a habit is formed, it is difficult and sometimes impossible to shake it off. Some bad habits formed in childhood may remain lifetime.


3.Habit will become a part of our character permanently.


4.People often fail to appreciate the power that habit has in their lives.


5.Habit is working for or against us every minute of the day.


6.Many successful men declare that they own much of their prosperity to the formation of certain good habits in early life, such as punctuality, early rising, honesty, and thoroughness.许多成功的人士都把他们的大部分财富归功于早期生活中某些好习惯的养成,例如守时、早起、城市和办事彻底。

7.Such habits as carelessness, rudeness, laziness, and lying, are bad habits which soon fasten themselves on some people.


Catherine Wang arrived in the UK in January 1999. In order to develop and extend her English language skills, she spent the first few months at Sherborne International College. Then she joined Aldenham to take a two-year‘A’level course, which will enable her to enter a British university.

Catherine found that the emphasis on maths and science in China had equipped her well for two of her“A” levels----maths and physics. To challenge① her imagination, she chose art as her third subject. She said it was quite rewarding② and challenging.

Although Catherine left a little, lonely at first, she said she was very grateful for the friendliness shown to her by the teachers at Aldenham.

Catherine has found the international mix of cultures very refreshing③.As well as making friends, both boys and girls from a number of cultures, Catherine found it comforting to meet other Chinese pupils at the school.

The house facilities④include a separate girls' sitting room and the use of a kitchen, though, she said the school food was good.

She is a hard working pupil and values the opportunity to study in England. She hopes her results will enable her parents to be proud of her achievements. Catherine plans to study at a leading university in the UK before returning to China to work.

Summing up her time at the school, Catherine said,“I have been very happy at Aldenham and I know I will never forget the experience. I have learnt a great deal from the English culture and my English has improved enormously⑤. The school has been good at recognizing the needs of foreign students. For example, we went out as a crowd last week to celebrate the Chinese New Year. It was great.”

①challenge ['tM$lindN] v.鞭策;挑战

②rewarding [ri'w&:ding] a.有得益的;值得做的

③refreshing [ri'freMiR] a.使人耳目一新的

④facility [f'sil ti] n.(复数)设备;方便

⑤enormously [i'n&:m sli] ad.大大地,巨大地


I am a middle school student.My school life is very colourfui.

In the morning,we have four lessons,Than we go to have lunch.

After lunch we can play in the playground.Girls often chat under

the tree.Boys always play baskerball.

After classes we sometimes do some shopping,chat with each other

I like my school.My school life is nice,too.Now,I will tell you something about my school life.I usually qo to school at seven o"clock.We have eight lessons every day.At about five o"clock,Igo homeand do my homework.My school life isn"tvery intreseting,but it is very useful for me.

Different people have different opinions about school life.As for me,I think it likes a cup of coffee.Maybe a little bitter,but I really enjoy it.Some students hate homework a lot.But I don't agree with them.Sometimes doing homework is a kind of relax.For example,when you do some creative homework.That must be very exciting and let me feel relaxed.Although sometimes we will have some problems,don't care about it.Just go ahead,nothing can make you lose interested in study.In a word,the harder we work,the better our future will be.



标签: 英语 句子
